We need compassion for the world! While praying and fasting for our country a few days ago the Lord directed me to this Scripture in the Book of Joel chapter 2. In my spirit I have understood the hour that we are living and coming upon will require much fasting and intercessory prayer for divine protection and intervention over this great nation. When we turn on our televisions we hear all kinds of promises the candidates try to entice us with and we have witnessed their ugly accusations that they constantly throw at one another. Our hope is not in any man or woman to make this nation great again, our only hope is if we return humbly and with a repentant heart, not with exterior white washed walls, but in true repentance before our Holy God. This portion of Scripture begins with NOW, Today is the day of our salvation! Now we are to turn to Him with all of our heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Return to the Lord YOUR God, for He is gracious, and merciful and slow to anger and of great kindness. And He relents from doing harm!
We find ourselves in this year of 2016 at the very brink of the greatest revival the world has ever known! But the question I have been asking, is what will it take for the world to come running back to their God with weeping, mourning and fasting?
When I read in the book of Nehemiah, I see a heart that is full of compassion and what had happened to his ancestors and the beloved city of Jerusalem concerned him although he was far away serving in the palace as the king’s cupbearer. He didn’t just hear the terrible news and go on about his business. His knees literally became weak and he had to sit, he began to weep, and mourn for MANY days. He began to fast and pray to the Lord God of heaven repenting of the sins of his people and of his own sins.
Brothers and sisters this is the call that I am hearing in my heart. We can no longer remain indifferent when others are caught in distress and suffering. We can no longer close our eyes and sleep, when we are now at the midnight hour and the dawn is drawing near. Where are those that are willing to pay the price, to weep and mourn over this country as a woman in labor and travail until God answers in His mercy? Or how many more millions of babies are we going to allow to be brutally yanked out of their mother’s wombs and their parts sold for profit? How much longer are we just going to sit in our lovely temples and enjoy our comfortable seats when right outside our doors there are millions suffering and walking straight to hell? We have taken God out of our schools, out of our government, out of our military. We have told Him that we no longer want Him. The blood of more than 90 million babies is crying out for justice and we stand with bloody hands because we have remained silent. We must stand in the gap for our children, our grandchildren and for the lost souls of this world. We must pray for our leaders, our ministers, for Israel and for the United States of America, the greatest nation in the world.
George Washington said this: “Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land, and union. He stated this after he had a vision during the Revolutionary war and this is an indication that in the last patriotism, the love of country, the respect for our constitution and our faith in God will be in great jeopardy. May God help us to heed the warning before it is too late!