My experience has been amazing
I hope this personal testimony of my flight training experience will draw potential pilots to move from dreaming to flying with Alpha Aviation.
My flight training experience with Alpha Aviation brings memories of one of the most challenging and rewarding endeavors of my life. When I realized that God had called me to fly as pilot in command for our ministry I had two things in mind should I pursue this undertaking. One I wanted excellence instilled in me during my training, and two, I wanted to be a safe pilot. I found Alpha Aviation to be focused on achieving excellence in their pilots through consistent training in safety and professionalism.
I was always amazed at the ability of Randy Baumann (my instructor) to accurately understand both my abilities and my limitations as my training progressed. I was challenged to excel beyond acceptable to excellent, and above permissible, to safety habits that would be a safeguard against avoidable accidents! Having passed my check ride and received my Private Pilot license, I look back to the days of my training at Alpha Aviation and realize that there was a genuine effort to achieve excellence in me.
I thank God for this ministry whose vision is to help people like myself to achieve their dream and realize their greatest potential.
What Aviation has done for me
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